# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Jan 13 09:10:36 2016 @author: nemenman """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt SimulationTime = 10.0 dt = 0.01 GrowthRate = 0.2 Time = np.arange(dt, SimulationTime, dt) Population = np.zeros(Time.size) Population[0] = 1.0 for i in np.arange(1, Time.size): Population[i] = Population[i-1] + dt * GrowthRate * Population[i-1] PopulationExact = Population[0] * np.exp(Time*GrowthRate) plt.plot(Time, Population, label='Numerical solution') plt.plot(Time, PopulationExact, label='Exact solution') plt.legend() # there are alternative ways for labeling; using get_lines() and setting line # labels, or using ax.legend() plt.title('Malthusian bacterial population growth') plt.xlabel('Time, hours') # an alternative way of changing things is to change attributes directly ax = plt.gca() ax.set_ylabel('Number of bacteria') plt.show()