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Group Pictures

May 2018. Group picnic at Stone Mountain. Left to right: David, Ilya, Yoni, Roni, Nomi, Ahmed, Stas, Baohua.
- Previous group pictures
- 2016
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- 2012
Current Lab Members
- The Boss
Ilya Nemenman, Professor of Physics and Biology, CV.
- Postdoctoral Fellows
David Hofmann
Itai Pinkovezky
Michael Martini
- Graduate Students
Baohua Zhou
Catalina Rivera
Joe Natale
Ahmed Roman
Mahajabin Rahman
- Rotation Students
- Undergraduate Students
- Postdoctoral Fellows
- Damian Hernandez, 2015--2017. Currently: Assistnat Professor, Centro Atomico Bariloche, Atgentina.
- Andrew Mugler, 2013--2014. Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Purdue University.
- Martin Tchernookov, 2010--2013. Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, University of Madison, Whitewater.
- Lina Merchan, 2012--2013. Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Savannah State University.
- Sorin Tanase Nicola, 2010--2011. Currently: Assistant Professor, Department for Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University, Sweden.
- Brian Munsky, 2008--2009. Currently: Assistant Professor, Colorado State University.
- Golan Bel, 2008--2009. Currently: Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), Department of Environmental Physics, Ben Gurion University.
- Nikolai Sinitsyn, 2006--2009. Currently: Staff Member at LANL.
- Graduate Students
- George Leung (PhD).
- Xinxian Shao (PhD).
- Vijay Singh (PhD). Currently: postdoctoral fellow at U Penn, Physics/Neuroscience.
- Jakub Otwinowski (PhD). Currently: postdoc at U Penn, Biology.
- John Kirkham (MS), software developer, Janelia Farms.
- Undergraduate Students
- Cyrillus Tan. Current: grad student, UCLA.
- Caroline Holmes. Currently: grad student at Princeton Physics PhD program.
- Farhan Kamili. Currently: grad student at GT/Emory BME program.
- Visiting/Rotating Graduate Students
- Mahan Ghafari, 2015-16
- Quentin Feltgen (ENS), 2013.
- Xiang Cheng (Emory), 2011-2012.
- Chloe Robins (Emory), 2012.
- Bryan Daniels (Cornell), 2009. Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow at SFI.
- Sean Escola (Columbia), 2006. Currently: Columbia University School of Medicine.
- Michael Vidne (Columbia), 2006. Currently: grad students, applied math, Columbia U.
- Visiting/Rotating Undergraduate Students
- Rajiv Velury (Emory), 2013
- Martin Halicek (GaTech), 2013
- Rebecca Butterfield (Emory), 2012
- Misha Shashkov (Berkeley), 2007-2008
- Pradeep Bandaru (Columbia), 2008
- Aly Pesic (Stanford), 2007